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Refresco: Likely To Reject Latest Offer, Aim For €22

This post was written by Zak Mir, a Technical Analyst, Events Host, Presenter, CEO Interviewer and established Market Commentator

Refresco has been on the runway as far as intense M&A speculation in recent days, with hedgies and others getting what they wanted today with the €1.6bn offer from PAI Partners. This according to sources is likely to be rejected, in similar fashion to the offer from Cott Corp in July. However, the rumour is that a higher bid at €22 a share (versus the equivalent of €19.75 on the table now) could eventually be forthcoming in this bidding war situation. This may be worth waiting for as far as fans of the Dutch juice bottling group is concerned.

Disclaimer: is a purely journalistic website – Zak Mir is a member of the NUJ. There is no intention here of providing financial advice and absolutely no interest in speculating in the companies mentioned. It is  recommended you seek an independent professional opinion before deciding whether or not to take any action with regard to anything written here.

Zak Mir

Zak Mir

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